Characteristics of Individual That Are Predictors of Youth Problems

Characteristics of Individual That Are Predictors of Youth Problems

  • Submitted By: sheshem
  • Date Submitted: 08/03/2009 1:47 PM
  • Category: Psychology
  • Words: 4461
  • Page: 18
  • Views: 1098

Article Review
Sharon McLean
University of Phoenix
EDD/569- Introduction to Action Research
Dr. Shannon O´Day-Instructor
May 1, 2009

Article Review
This paper reviews three journal articles that are related to the problem that only 40% of all grade 9 students are meeting the acceptable standard on Provincial Achievement Tests, in Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science, in Fort Vermilion Public School.

Article 1
Do Social and Behavioral characteristics Targeted by Preventive Interventions Predict Standardized Test Scores and Grades?

Written by: Charles B.Flemng, Kevin P. Haggerty, Richard F. Catalano, Tracy W. harachi, James J Mazza, Diana H. Gruman

What is the problem statement? What is the purpose of the study?
The problem that is researched in this article is whether characteristics of individuals that are predictors of youth problem behavior such as substance use, delinquency, and violence, also predict academic achievement. The purpose of the study was to examine if established risk and protective factors targeted by preventive interventions are also predictive of academic achievement. It is likely that such prevention programs will improve academic outcomes. If the researchers can find a link, administrators would focus more broadly on methods used to boost test scores. The study attempted to assess evidence for predictive relationships between risk and protective factors commonly targeted by preventive interventions and academic achievement later in adolescence. (Flemming, Haggert, Catalano, Harachi, Mazza, & Gruman, 2005).

Does the writer state research questions and/or a hypothesis? If so, what are they?
The writers states the hypothesis that school based social development interventions that address specific risk factors curb early manifestations of antisocial behavior, and promote school bonding and that social and emotional skills are likely to improve student academic achievement. (Flemming, Haggert, Catalano,...

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