Effects of Cold War Politics.

Effects of Cold War Politics.

What challenges, if any, did colonialism and the cold war pose to the United Nations at its inception in 1945? Use specific examples to illustrate your answer.
The world has gone through two serious world wars. The negative effects of first and second world, wars are still eminent. Most of the countries that actively took part in the second world wars lost their economic superiority due to repeated bomb attacks. The Allied victory against the axis brought the eagerly awaited peace. The allied forces convened several meetings that came up with the United Nations organisation. The frictions between the two blocks began when the Soviet Union failed to honour the pre war Atlantic charter agreements. The name United Nations was first mentioned in 1942, during the second world war by the U.S president Franklin Roosevelt. He was addressing the representatives of one hundred and twenty six countries who requested their countries to continue fighting in unison against the common enemy the Axis powers. The immediate organisation that preceded the United Nations organisation was the league of nation. It was also formed in the war same circumstances of the First World War. The victors of the Second World War wanted to avoid the mistakes committed in Versailles treaty of 1919. The Versailles treaty established a toothless organisation. After the war in 1945, fifty country representatives met in San Francisco at the United Nations conference to draw up the charter. The charter was signed on 26 June 1945 by the representatives. The United Nations is composed of different departments charged with different roles.
The United Nations trusteeship council was formed in 1946. It was designed to supervise governments of trust territories to lead to colonised states to self government. Just like the mandate system of the League of Nations, the trusteeship system was created on the grounds that the colonial territories, taken from nations defeated in war should not be...

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