Forensic Careers

Forensic Careers

Forensic Careers


Many careers coincide with another career, such as how psychology coincides with medicine or how becoming a judge coincides with being a lawyer. Careers are similar in many different ways and often links with another as assistance to that career. Without one, would be challenging without the other, and add more difficulty to any task. For example; Law. Without lawyers who would defend criminals, and with being a criminal without law, would that now be a crime? Within all of this the Judge comes into place, without a judge law would not be in order to conclude who’s guilty or innocent, so therefore the criminal committed no crime.
In this case forensics coincides with being a detective. In many murder cases the crime is usually solved by using forensic evidence. Either it being blood left over at a crime scene or something as little as a strand of hair left behind. Forensics is used to catch the main culprit, by any evidence that can be identified. Both of these careers are basically tracing the suspect by a trace that they leave. People can also be identified by DNA fingerprinting, from their teeth or bite by forensic odontology, from a photograph or a video recording by facial recognition systems, from the video recording of their walk by gait analysis, from an audio recording by voice analysis, from their handwriting by handwriting analysis, from the content of their writings by their writing style (for example typical phrases, or misspelled words), or from other traces using other biometric techniques.

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