Invincible Life Assurance Company

Invincible Life Assurance Company

  • Submitted By: issue
  • Date Submitted: 05/18/2010 10:11 AM
  • Category: Business
  • Words: 336
  • Page: 2
  • Views: 358


1. Lack of a succession plan, there is no one capable of taking over from Mulholland.

2. The management style that can best suit the structure of the company. If there was a succession plan in place then maybe the new president will have the traits, qualities and the characteristics of the former president, and also having been mentored by his predecessor the new president would be able to continue the management of the company without losing strides. Unfortunately, this was not the case. As a result of the lack of order and organization in the company brought about by the management style of the former administration led by Mulholland there was no form of succession plan in place, thereby leaving the seat of the president vacant with no trained candidate to takeover. The new administration is in a dilemma, there is no blue print to follow and a total overhaul looks necessary, (how does Mr. B drive a vehicle that is customized for Mr. A without Mr. A showing Mr. B how to do it?). Mr. Wintress has to come up with a new style of management not because the former style did not bring success to the company but because he does not posses the necessary qualities to be successful with the former style of management. Wintress should start his thinking from what management style that can best suit the structure of the company.

3. Wintress should identify and understand the problems.

4. Yes, there are a couple of things Wintress would do that could actually be wrong and would not work foremost amongst them are:
- Attempting to manage the company using a management style that he neither has the skill nor the knowhow.
- Discussing with his board, about a plan that he has not thought about.
- Resigning and rejecting the post of president.
- Swinging into action without planning.
- Leaving the status of the company the way it is.


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