Slavery in Language

Slavery in Language

Slave driver shows the painful past this country has seen, and if it has really changed?
This country has seen some dark pasts, from war to slavery, they are memories which hurt. Diary entries from a slave driver have been found and released to the public, the graphic entries show the drivers view on his slaves and unveil the pain the slaves went through. One of the most visual and graphic entries would be.
Dec. 31 ran two of Uncle Bat's Negroes off last night-for making a disturbance - no pass - broke my sword cane over one of their skulls
The vivid imagery really shows the lack of pain this slave driver went through; from most of his entries he shows no sense of sympathy or pain for his slaves and treats them like dogs. I think the photo above can really relate to the diary entries, since the slave driver is shown as all powerful and the salves as weak and not worthy of even a child, even though those childes were most of the time were made with slave drivers and slave owners.
But the most horrifying would probably be his last entry, he talks about how some of the slaves tried to escape and he have him the biggest whipping of his life and taught him a lesson.
Oct. 4 Boy Lewis came in last night -gave him the worst whipping I ever gave any young Negro. I predict he will not runaway soon. Building a jail for him Dennis & Ginny Jerry - intend jailing them for Saturday nights 'til Monday mornings

I am going to switch over to modern day slavery and if it has truly changed and what forms it has taken on.
Has slavery really changed all that much in the past couple of centuries? Using the diary of a1800’s slave owner, I will compare how slavery is seen today and how it was seen back in the 18oo’s. And I will discover if slavery has truly been left in the past, or if there are forms of it even today.
Slavery, every time era has had their own views and judgments over the matter. But I will be focusing specifically on two, 1800’s and the early 2000’s....

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