The Causes of Cancer

The Causes of Cancer

Question #6: List the likely causes of cancer. Do any of them put you at greater risk? What can you do to reduce your risk? What risk factors do you share with family members? With friends?

In society today, “everything” causes cancer. Cancer is defined as a large group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells (pg. 361).
In our books today, the likely causes of cancer are smoking and obesity, and also a few viruses. However, most research papers believe that cancer is caused by environmental factors such as a poor diet, inactivity, obesity, and alcohol consumption (pg 363).
In which, a few of the likely causes would put me at greater risk for cancer. For one, I’m obese, and I smoke. So that there would put me at a greater risk for cancer.
There are also some risk factors that would make it more susceptible to getting cancer. Which would be having fair skin; blonde, red, or light brown hair; blue, green, or grey eyes? Always burning before tanning or you burn easily and you peel readily. If you have a family history of skin cancer, or if you don’t use any or use a low SPF sunscreens (pg 373).
A few of those risk factors apply to my friends, family and I. Most of my friends & family have light colored hair & light eyes. Although not too many of my friends or family have fair skin, or don’t tan easily.
Cancer doesn’t just attack people that have just those risk factors. It can happen to anyone at anytime.  

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