The Effects of High School Sports

The Effects of High School Sports

  • Submitted By: benjpatt
  • Date Submitted: 10/25/2010 8:15 AM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 632
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 1

The Effects of High School Sports

High school sports have been a molding tool for many of young children. For many of years high school athletics were used to build self-esteem, and character. Today the effects of high school sports have allowed for students to develop the skills needed for team work on the field as well as in everyday life.

Years ago when I was young, I can remember hearing more than just a few times. “You’re going to play sports, so you can learn some discipline and build self-esteem and character”. Those were the words of my grandfather, who was a local town high school football coach. He was a firm believer in turning young whining, water-head boys into self sufficient young men who had self- esteem and character. He also believed in spare the rod, spoil the child. That is one of his beliefs I didn’t particularly care for. More so than the rod, my grandfather believed that a child whom has good self-esteem will grow to be a producer in life. He would instill hard work into each and every young boy who came out to the field. “Get up son, ain’t no loafin on my field”. “You’re gonna make something of yourself, if it’s the last thing I do”. Those were his favorite sayings. He used those tactics from year in to year out for over 25 years. Growing up to see some of the young boys that are now men, I see the self-esteem they exude, and they’re character. During those times, high school sports were more about building up the individual. Building the character of a young man and building self-esteem.

Today, high school sports are about more than just building self-esteem and character. Today high school sports allow for students to develop the skills needed to understand team work. The definition of team work is “cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause”. Team work. (n.d.) Unabridged. Retrieved October 18, 2010, from...

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