How I Manage My Time

How I Manage My Time

1. Jahqwiewah Creary
2. ENG 1010: 104680
3. February 2, 2013
4. Essay Assignment #1
5. My Seven Day Journal
6. My audience is my English Professor and my mentor
7. My purpose of this essay is to draw a conclusion about my own values and beliefs based on my seven day journal entry.

The purpose of this essay is to obtain a better understanding of how to manage time on a daily basis. The entries from the journal indicate that I manage my time inadequately. Currently, I attend school full time, work part time as a Nurse Case manager, and I am a mother to a five year old. I must adapt a standard routine to maintain balance between all tasks and make time for myself. Based on how I spend my day, there is not enough time to have a social life.
Being a full time student is time consuming, therefore social fellowship is limited. I attend school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Monday and Wednesday classes begin at 11:30am and end at 2:00pm and Friday begins at 8:35am and ends at 2:00pm with a two hour break between classes. According to my journal entries, I did not have a specified study time at the library so, I have made the decision to set a standard study time after class. Mondays and Wednesdays study time will be for two hours after class ends at 2:00pm. Study time on Fridays will be four hours; the two hour break between class and two hours at the end of class. Monday through Friday I usually study for three hours per night. The combined study times equals to twenty-three hours per week. Given my weekly schedule, I believe this is sufficient and will allow me to make time for myself. It is imperative that I have adequate amount of time dedicated to study, which will alleviate me to be successful in obtaining an excellent education.
Work should never be brought home because it can interfere with an individuals’ personal life. Although I work less than twenty-four per week, there are times...

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