

Amadeus Movie Review

In today's time people such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are not the musical highlights of our news. It is from an era that most of us do not have any familiarity with. The Movie Amadeus gives you a visual perception of how grand music used to be through the eyes of Mozart. A time when the music had an importance I personally have never seen before.
Mozart was a fresh face for the people of Vienna. He had a new outlook on music that people were not used to, and often not fond of to some. The towns leadership was very astonished by the load of talents Mozart seem to demonstrate. He had an ear for music, not just his own. From abilities to memorize melodies just from listening to them, to being able to compose perfect first drafts of music with no notations needed. I believe Mozart was just looking for some gratification to the fact that he was bringing Vienna something different, and that it was okay to share into his unknown sound.
Amadeus not only told about certain qualities that Mozart possessed but also some of the inferior feelings shown towards him. There was a lot of envy and jealousy that came from Antonio Salieri. Salieri was a fan and a critic of Mozart’s music. He had the ability to uplift Mozart and tear him down all within the same sentence. Through his instance emotions he made other people feel the same. Mozart was just and overwhelming guy. The leadership was always looking for ways to change his style, almost as if trying to reshape his dreams. But Mozart could also be a bit cocky. He knew that he possessed a sense of greatness that was unique to the ear, always proclaiming to think he was the “Best musician”.
Each of the opera’s shown in Amadeus contributed to his Best musician title he gave himself. I also considered each play to be a theme. From the beginning there were questionable views to if Mozart was creating Opera suitable for the people. They questioned his choice of language as if saying he was...

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