2008 Presidential Debate

2008 Presidential Debate

The presidential debate on October 7 2008 was nothing I was interested in but it was very helpful in some cases to watch. It helped me further my understandings on both of their ideas to help out the mortgage situation. For example, after someone from the audience asked John McCain a question evolving this issue john answered something like “I pledged to require the federal government to renegotiate the mortgages of individual homeowners and make them more affordable.” I personally didn’t fully understand what this meant but at least I got to hear one side, even though I felt some questions answered by John McCain were sort of really not the answers to them, almost like beading around the bush. I also felt like both of them were bashing each other left and right, they kept on bringing issues that I never even knew about nor understood and kept on blaming each other. For example, one of the things I remember was when John McCain said Barack Obama was the Senate's second-highest recipient of donations from individuals at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two now-disgraced mortgage industry giants. Then I felt like Barack Obama stretch the truth a bit when he said that George Bush and John McCain and others had favored policies to deregulate the financial industry but none of it had worked nor did any thing they had said. They both, I felt were competing to demonstrate their qualifications as reformers on energy and foreign policies, as well as health care. I felt that Barack Obama did really well with explaining how he was going to reform health care and was going to find new means of energy. However, John McCain did a great job in demonstrating his qualifications in foreign policies. One of my favorite parts of the whole thing was when Barack Obama accused John McCain of saying he wanted to bomb Iran and annihilate North Korea, even though he has said himself of wanting to take over Pakistan in order to get Osama Bin Landed. One thing I thought was very smart on...

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