Abuse is Abuse

Abuse is Abuse

Abuse is Abuse
Tyler Dudley
Mr. Pozesny
CJ333/ Unit 3

Abuse is Abuse
Whether it is a 74 year old man or a little baby abuse is abuse and comes in many different forms. People often take advantage of the elderly and it is because they don’t exactly know what is going on and they are easy to manipulate. Many people will take advantage of an older person’s money, because they don’t know what to do with it and this is a type of economical abuse. Physical abuse is common among the elderly, because they are often neglected and starved, because some people feel that they aren’t worth the time and that they can wait. They are also handled roughly and physically abused, because some suffer from things like Alzheimer’s or Dementia, and so nurses get irritated and take out their frustrations on their patients. Then you have child abuse which as well as older people comes in many different forms. Some of the most common cases is neglect, sexual abuse and physical abuse. I would say physical abuse is really common among first time parents who don’t know how to deal with the stress that comes with a child so they end up lashing out in the wrong way towards the kid. All of these abuse whether it is sexual, financial, or any other form has lasting effects and has an incredible impact on not only the victim, but as well as the other family members of that victim. We should all work to know ourselves and learn our coping skills so that when these types of frustrations happen we do not lose control and instead rely on those coping skills and walk away from bad situations.
In the first instance I found an article of a man that had abused 12 of his children who ranged from age infant to 13. In this case there was three types of abuse; sexual, starvation, and physical. In the article it doesn’t say exactly which age group of child received what particular form of abuse, but I would imagine the older girls received the sexual abuse...

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