

4TH MAY 2008

This Essay is based on The Outsiders, written by S. E. Hinton. Pony boy and his greaser friends have a lot in store for them. Although there are some new surprises when the socs, a gang that lives in the west, becomes cool with Pony. Johnny is Pony’s best friend and one night he kills someone. They run away and get into a big fire. Johnny dies from the burns left, and the greasers win the big fight against the socs. Pony wrote an essay for his English teacher about all of this, and he could or will pass with a C. The three main points I am going to explain is, what is friendship? How do pony and Johnny represent friendship? What other friendships are evident in the novel?
What is friendship? Friendship is loving someone, and caring about them. Help them when time is rough and always know when something is wrong. Friendship is respecting and trusting someone. Having fun and not afraid to be yourself in front of them. Sharing secrets that are only for you and their ears. Friendship is not hurting each other. “What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies". – Aristotle
“I couldn’t tell two-bit or Steve or even darry about the sunrise and clouds and stuff. I couldn’t even remember that poem around them. I mean, they just don’t dig. Just you and Sodapop.” Pg. 79. They represent friendship by staying with each other through rough times. When Johnny killed the soc Pony didn’t just go away from him because he did it. Pony stayed with Johnny because he knew he couldn’t let him do this on his own. Pony and Johnny are true friends and would have stayed together through the end. When Johnny was dieing Pony was there for him, read him some of Gone with the wind, when he couldn’t. That is how they represented friendship.
What are some other friendships that are evident in this novel? Steve and Soda. “He was cocky, smart and Sodas best buddy since grade school” Pg 9. Steve and Soda worked at the gas station. Steve was part time and Soda was full...