

Aksum is the only subsaharan african civilisation that issued a currency. Few African socities had such a complex and evolved market system as to require a monetary unit, save the aspect of even being universally acceptable as the Aksumite coins were. These coins were used from 270AD to the early 17th century. Fascinating though, the nature of the coins barely changed with the following rulers.There were bronze, silver and gold coins, the former being used only internally for payment of soldiers, taxes and for normal day to day transactions, as proven by the excarvation of numerous of these coins within the formerly Aksum territory. The latter were used for external trade as they were as valuable as the Arabian and Roman coins. Indeed this is true because gold coins have only been excarvated in Israeland South Arabia. Likewise, coins showed the present king of Aksum at that time and were a representation of the religion. This was evident with the replacement of the disc and cresent symbols with the cross, after Aksum adopted Christianity in the 4rd century.
It was the King's responsibility to conduct military campaigns. As a result he was usally the chief priest of the “Royal dynastic god”(as he was called in aksum)- Mahrem. He was the Commander in chief, followed by other members of the ruling family.War was done rather systematically, first the reasons for war which included; damage to a caravan, rebellion by vassal kings or tribes, piracy in the red sea among others, were listed. Then diplomatic efforts towards a peaceful resolution were sought. These failing, war was declared which always was won by Aksumites. Hence they retained prisoners, land and other properties. Weapons used included spears(Stele of Lances) and special shields. Acts of gratitude were done after the war to the gods, these included sacrifices, and later construction of Christian sanctuaries.
Pre-christian Aksum practised...