

No reason for Euthanasia/Academic Dishonesty/
No Reason Commercial Whaling
Since human first built boats and fished the seas, they have hunted whales. This practice remains culturally significant for many small communities around the world who hunt a few whales each year using traditional methods. In contrast, for other people, whaling has become a high-tech industry using sophisticated equipment to hunt and kill thousands of whales each year for profit. Although these whalers also cite cultural tradition to justify their annual hunts, commercial whaling is strongly opposed by an increasing number of people worldwide. Indeed, the practice of killing whales on an industrial scale is now internationally seen as morally wrong and economically unsound. Therefore, commercial whaling should be banned because it causes excessive suffering to intelligent mammals, is no longer economically viable, and can be replaced by economically beneficial whale watching.

Para.2 First whaling should be banned because it is morally unacceptable to kill intelligent mammals brutally.
Para.3 Another reason why commercial whaling needs to cease is that it is no longer economically sustainable. Para.4 Finally, commercial whaling is no longer necessary because other business opportunities offer much better financial rewards.

In conclusion, as the evidence shows, whaling is cruel and economically unnecessary and therefore should be prohibited. The current method of killing whales causes intelligent mammals to suffer unnecessarily . Furthermore, because whale meat is no longer a significant part of people’s diets, its price has fallen causing the industry to rely on public money. Finally, commercial whaling countries have no reason to continue hunting, as whale watching is an economically more preferable option. Whaling has a long history and has played an important role in the past. However, social values and tastes have changed, and with change, some traditions...