Animal Slaughtering

Animal Slaughtering

Humans and their cultures or way of life will inevitably impact on the natural environment as they exploit the available natural resources for living standards. One main issue concerning human’s verses the natural environment is animal slaughtering. How human’s use and slaughter animals for their own benefit. A country where this issue mainly occurs is in Korea, North and South.
Animal rights are an issue thought of by many people. In jurisprudence, a right is the legal or moral entitlement to do or refrain from doing something or to obtain or refrain from obtaining. What it basically means is that non-human animal’s feelings and lives should be taken into consideration and given the same conditions as the basic human interests. Advocates for animal rights believe that animals should not be thought of as simply someone’s property or regarded as resources for human enjoyment, but instead should be thought of as legal persons with their own morality. Farmers and meat factory owners argue that since the animals cannot communicate or complain to us then humans can use them for whatever they want since there is no conflict. Many people also believe that humans are the superior species and therefore can use the earth’s resources to their pleasure. Businessmen make a lot of money out of selling meats so they obviously don’t want to stop anytime soon, and governments also will not stop as most of the world enjoys eating meats. But there are certain groups and people who are totally against using animals for meat. Both opinions can be considered but both are debatable.

In Korea, both North and south, they savagely slaughter and torture all kinds of animals varying from cows to cats and dogs. Over 2 million dogs and 500 000 cats are bred and later slaughtered on Korean farms each year. Korean’s started using dogs and cats for meat during the Korean War due to lack of food and starvation and now it is considered a delicacy. 30% of the cats and dogs slaughtered...

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