Anthro Meditation

Anthro Meditation

Marina Bettencourt
Mr. Ehlers
May 21, 2013
A Revolutionary Meditation

Is it plausible that the brain can become fully consciously controllable by an individual whom is controlled by the unconscious mind? To what extent are humans able to reach to enable full control over their once uncontrollable psychological functions? Societies throughout the planet have managed to alter their own minds through different practices of meditation, not only planned sessions, but also meditation in every action they conceive. Meditation is proven to affect the human brain in terms of not only emotion, but also in physical alterations, ultimately leaving researchers and neurologists struggling to find more answers, all the while answering their own previous questions. In knowledge filled world, with science growing at an enormous rate, meditation suggests the existence of an alternate reality, wipes out previous psychological theories regarding the brain, and allows the opportunity for individuals to free themselves from themselves.
Although meditation is practised through different styles and techniques, the sole idea of mediation derives from ancient religious cultures around the world. Now having the technology to prove that meditation does positively affect parts of the brain controlling emotion, how do psychologists and neurologists explain that an individual can simply alter different aspects of his or her own brain without considering the cultures in which meditation was conceived? Meditation can be seen from different perspectives; One being the perspective of an individual whom is familiar with concepts of psychology, and the other being an individual whom is familiar with concepts of their own religion. Each person has their own opinion based on what they have been taught to believe. Because this is the case, it also means that those who practise meditation will all endure their own unique experience depending on the person they are and how they were...

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