Apple Trees

Apple Trees

Apple Trees

There are more than 7,500 known types of apples. Most people refer
to all these apples by the colors such as, green, red, or yellow. All apples
are identified by a taste of kind of sour, to really sweet. Some have thicker
skins than other apples.

Apple Trees are the most cultivated fruit trees in North America.
Humans have been enjoying apples since 6500 B.C. Apples were
introduced to the United States in the 17th century. The Granny Smith
apples grow in mid-season. The Granny Smith apple is called Granny
Smith because in Leek England in 1868 a seedling was developed by
Sam Lucking Smith. This is where the Granny Smith apples got their

The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree, species Mauls
Domestic in the rose family and is a perennial. It is one of the most
Widely known cultivated tree fruits, and the most widely known. It is
known of the many of the many members of genus mauls that that are
used by humans.

Granny Smith apples are a medium green and are more firm than
most all other apples. These apples are commonly used for baking such
as in making apple pies and fried apples. Some other apples are used as
for making apple sauce, these are sweeter softer apples. My favourite
apple for snacking is a red delicious apple. A lot of my family members
prefer the yellow delicious apple for eating raw.

This was a 5th grade paper by a child

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