Applied Psychology - From Theory to Practice

Applied Psychology - From Theory to Practice

Running head: Applied Psychology - From Theory to Practice

Applied Psychology - From Theory to Practice
Mary Levengood
ABS200: Introduction to Applied Behavioral Sciences
Instructor: Sophia James
January 11, 2016

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Applied Psychology - From Theory to Practice
Applied Psychology - From Theory to Practice
Many individuals have felt down or depressed occasionally. Feeling depressed can be
a common response to afterlife, conflicts, or lack of confidence. However, when emotions of
acute depression, involving weakness, lost, and useless, proceeds for days up to weeks and
detains one from performing normally, their depression can be something more than just
unhappiness. It could possibly be major depression (clinical depression), a mendable medical
condition. Many individuals when questioned what depression is think it is when a person is
remarkably unhappy that they feel empty and think of suicide. What they do not realize is that
it is much more than that and it is a bigger issue than we perceive.
Depression is a sickness that makes an individual appear to be unhappy and/or
helpless for a general period. Depression can have a serious effect on the happiness of an
individual’s life, their job, their well-being, and affect those who care about them. Depression
impacts every person variously. Some may feel sad for a general period while others feelings
of sadness come and go. One astonishing component of depression is that it not only impacts
an individual mentally, but physically as well. The most known indicators for depression
involve feeling down about something specific, becoming exhausted and drowsy constantly,
finding it hard to get out of bed, prolonging critical occasions, and not having joy in what was
to be fun-filled events.
“Depression has affected more than 19 million American adults each year,” (Blazer,
2005). Still, the unreported victims of depression cannot be calculated. Depression...

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