Applying Science in Life

Applying Science in Life

Chapter 3 is about the different science processes and how to apply them in life. One thing I found interesting about this chapter was the idea of using referents when communicating with one another. By describing colors as objects it allows people to have a clear understanding about what is being described. I found this important because I never thought about the importance of referents and how crucial they are in science and in the classroom.
Another part that I found important was the idea that when people are able to make inferences about their observations, it gives them a better appreciation for the environment. I think this is especially true for children, because when they are able to figure out the reason why something happened based on what they observed they feel a sense of pride. I think it is important for students to think about things and try to make their own conclusions based on their prior knowledge and understandings. This is more of a self-gratification for the students rather than if they were simply told why something happened.
The different parts of the scientific process are important to understand. They help make students better learners on their own, and they help the students to go step by step to understanding concepts. I think one of the most important parts of the scientific process is communication. Children work better when they are able to share ideas with others, and when they are able to learn the ideas of others. By sharing information it helps to further educate them, and it allows them to show confidence in their own ideas. I also think communication is important when sharing different visual aids such as charts, graphs, or maps. This helps students to visualize and have a more accurate basis for knowledge. Overall, I feel that communication helps bring children closer together and helps open their minds to new ideas that they might have not been able to come up with on their own.

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