Ash M

Ash M

Study Guide: Skills and Intervention Strategies
What strategies are needed in human services?
Informed Consent and Confidentiality
Informed consent – disclosing nature and risks
Confidentiality – commitment to keep information private
Important aspect of the counselor-client relationship
Confidentiality limits – child abuse, suicidal, homicidal disclosure
Emotional maturity of the human service professional
Sympathy – sorrow or concern for another’s welfare
Empathy – ability to understand a client’s experiences
Empathy is necessary for effective counseling
Boundaries in mental, physical, and emotional lives
Boundaries in the form of ethical standards
What is the clinical assessment process?
Patience for conducting effective assessment of client
Active listening for fully attending to speaker
Observation skills for client’s non-verbal communication
Genograms for comprehensive assessment of client’s family
Psychological testing by using objective assessment tools
Clinical diagnoses through Diagnostic Statistical Manual
Child and Family Services
What is the history of child service agencies?
U.S. orphan problem of the 1700-1800s
Development of institutionalized care: the orphanage
Seeds of foster care: the orphan trains
Current U.S. child welfare system: foster care
What is the process of child abuse investigations?
Mandated reporters: professionals who work with children
Investigations by licensed human service professionals
Maltreatment: physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, neglect
Protocol for the forensic interview of children
Decision-making models determining need for intervention
What are the common clinical issues of foster children?
Separation stages: preprotest, protest, despair, adjustment
Foster care placement often constitutes a crisis
Supporting children by permitting the grieving process

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