ashford university exp 105 week 4 dq 1

ashford university exp 105 week 4 dq 1

Dan could have done many things differently to become successful with his assignment. When he couldn’t find his notes, reviewed the assignments requirements and instructions, where his Sequence Learning Pattern should have kicked in, and brainstormed what to do for his assignment using his text that he should have reviewed (Confluence and Sequence). Before this night had even come to pass, Dan should have created (Confluence) a detailed (Precision) agenda to organize (Sequence) his week. This would help him understand what needs to be done and when he needs to do it. Dan is Use First Technical Reasoning so he should have tapped into this Learning Pattern and just did the work by taking the chance (Confluence) that reviewing (Sequence) his prior feedback would lead him to do this assignment much better.
The Learning Pattern that I chose is Sequence. I use this Pattern as Use First and I utilize it every day. I like lists and need to know what is expected of me before I start anything. A way I have implemented this Pattern in this class is organizing my notes in a way that makes it easier for me to remember the information the text supplies. I also keep a planner to list each assignments due date so that I know what needs to be done first.
I think that I may let the Sequence Learning Pattern take a little too much spotlight. I think that I need to tether this Learning Pattern so that I can be more successful utilizing my other Learning Patterns, of which I could forge and intensify.

My Learning Patterns:
Sequence 31 (Use First)
Precision 27 (Use First)
Technical Reasoning 13 (Avoid)
Confluence 21 (Use as Needed)

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