Asp Add to Cart

Asp Add to Cart

  • Submitted By: blobban
  • Date Submitted: 08/04/2008 8:21 PM
  • Category: Technology
  • Words: 1411
  • Page: 6
  • Views: 804

<% ' ***** Begin the functions to be called by the runtime script *****
' To find the actual runtime code scroll WAY DOWN....

' This function is written to enable the adding of multiples of an item
' but this sample always just adds one. If you wish to add different
' quantities simply replace the value of the Querystring parameter count.
' We didn't do this because we wanted to keep the whole thing simple and
' not get into using forms so it stayed relatively readable.
Sub AddItemToCart(iItemID, iItemCount)
If dictCart.Exists(iItemID) Then
dictCart(iItemID) = dictCart(iItemID) + iItemCount
dictCart.Add iItemID, iItemCount
End If
Response.Write "

" & iItemCount & " of item # " & iItemID & " have been added to your cart.

" & vbCrLf
End Sub

Sub RemoveItemFromCart(iItemID, iItemCount)
If dictCart.Exists(iItemID) Then
If dictCart(iItemID) <= iItemCount Then
dictCart.Remove iItemID
dictCart(iItemID) = dictCart(iItemID) - iItemCount
End If
Response.Write "

" & iItemCount & " of item # " & iItemID & " have been removed from your cart.

" & vbCrLf
Response.Write "

Couldn't find any of that item your cart.

" & vbCrLf
End If
End Sub

Sub ShowItemsInCart()
Dim objKey
Dim aParameters ' as Variant (Array)
Dim sTotal, sShipping


sTotal = 0
For Each objKey in dictCart
aParameters = GetItemParameters(objKey)

Item # Description Quantity Remove Item From Cart Price Totals
<%= objKey %> <%= aParameters(1) %> <%= dictCart(objKey) %> Remove One  

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