Aspects That Society Deemed Appropriate for Each Sex

Aspects That Society Deemed Appropriate for Each Sex

  • Submitted By: tkells
  • Date Submitted: 04/29/2010 12:46 PM
  • Category: Social Issues
  • Words: 1706
  • Page: 7
  • Views: 632

Gender role; “the behaviors and attitudes considered appropriate in life because they are female or male.” (Ann Duffy et. al, 102) Gender roles are not aspects we obtain biologically but aspects society has deemed appropriate for each sex (McCann et. al, 482). For centuries gender roles have raised questions about inequalities and stratifications on females. Beginning with hunters and gatherers, the ideal visions and expectations placed on a female may have been altered to fit the eras, but the role itself has not changed. Although it may appear that women have become equals in society, they are being socialized back to their traditional gender roles, including at home and in the workplace. Women are seen as “passive, gentle homemakers”; domestic in every way, whereas the male is depicted as “dominant, independent and aggressive” (Doug McCann et. al, 485). These gender roles that either sex acquires are evident in multiple social factors of today’s society such as the media, traditional family life and home, and workplace. All three of these areas prove gender roles have in fact not been changed or made equal.
Throughout various forms of the media people can see evidence of how gender roles are still in effect today. Television commercials and television programs in general, is where the strongest degree of gender stereotyping is found. The majority of ads are directed specifically towards a target market of males or females (Daniel Chandler, 2001). Commercials portray gender roles in the most obvious ways possible. “Men are more likely to be shown advertising cars or business products; women are mostly advertising domestic products. As far as ads go, with age men seem to gain authority, whilst women seem to disappear” (Daniel Chandler, 2001). Television commercials aid in the perception of the ideal women or man was and still is. The general television commercial, in 94% of the cases (Daniel Chandler, 2001), uses a male voice-over simply for the reason that...

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