Atomic Struce Notes

Atomic Struce Notes

  • Submitted By: scumi
  • Date Submitted: 09/30/2013 8:12 PM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 462
  • Page: 2
  • Views: 118

Sabrina Shores
Period 3
Ms. L
CHEM-IS-TRY: Unit 1 Test Topics Study Guide Assignment
I) Scientific Method
1) observations- an act or instance of noticing or perceiving
2) Hypothesis-a proposition assumed
3) Experimentation-the act, process, practice or instance of making
4) independent and dependent variables- ind= can control (testing)
dep= cant control ( measured)
5) control- compared to experiment
6) data- individual facts of info
7) theory- principle, law, doctrine

II) Matter
8) pure substances vs. mixtures- pure= one element; mixtures= two or more substances
9) heterogeneous mixtures vs. homogeneous mixtures- hetero= 2 or more things not chemically combined;
homo= 2 or more things that mix smoothly
10) compounds vs. elements- compounds=2 or more elements chemically bonded;
elements=Ex. Gold, aluminum, iron; cannot be separated.
11) Solutions- homogenous
12) Solvent- largest portion
13) Solute- smallest portion
14) physical vs. chemical separation methods- physical= w/o chemicals; chemical= w/ chemicals
15) distillation-evaporating
16) chromatography, analyte, solid phase, filter paper, pigments- chromatography= physical separation;
analyte= the test mixture; solid phase-chromatography paper; filter paper= filtered, pigments=ink
17) soluble- dissolves
18) insoluble- doesn’t dissolve
19) polar- capable of ionizing
20) nonpolar- not capable of ionizing
21) Chemical vs. Physical properties- chemical= substance has changed chemically;
physical= substance change physically

III) Scientific Notation and Percent Error
22) Standard to scientific (decimal moves right + exponent, decimal moves left – exponent)- shortening #’s
23) Scientific to standard (if exponent is -, move decimal left, if exponent is +, move decimal right)- lengthening #’s
24) Multiplication rule- multiply and add exponents
25) Division rule- divide and subtract...

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