Begininng of a Federal Government

Begininng of a Federal Government

The Beginnings of a Federal Government

Six purposes that of why we have a federal government is
1. To form a perfect union
2. Establish justice
3. Insure domestic tranquility
4. Provide common defense
5. Promote general welfare
6. Secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and descendants.

The first reason of the federal government is to join the states together to form one nation that is united. I believe the federal government exists to make sure that justice prevails throughout the nation. The federal government wants to make sure that its citizens can live in a serene environment. The biggest responsibility that the federal government holds is that it has to defend the society and the states from invaders both domestic and foreign. The federal government wants to improve the general welfare for all people in America. The federal government has a duty to keep the citizen of the Unites States and their descendants free.
In 1770, some of the nation laid a foundation with the intent to diminish the unmerciful rulers who inflicted their beliefs on others, without giving the voice to the American people. The Founding Fathers had pictured a place where the people are able to use their God given rights. The Founding Fathers wanted these freedoms to be given to every American citizen as long as it doesn’t interfere with other people or impair the good of the this united nation. The founding Fathers made up the Constitution to do two specific things and that is
1. To inherent a federal government for the people of the United States.
2. To regulate the federal government to have only restricted powers over the states.
The federal government was created to protect the rights and the God given freedoms of the people of the United States. That is why they establish three main standards the government is supposed to be based on: that is,
1. Inherent rights: The rights that Americans have.
2. Self government: The government that is...

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