Bernice Bobs Her Hair

Bernice Bobs Her Hair

Arron DeWerff
English 132
28 September 2010

Bernice and Marjorie learned they are nothing alike. In fact they are two totally different types of people. They learn a lot about each other during Bernice’s visit to her cousin Marjorie’s. Bernice learns she has a totally different person inside that she really wants to be. Marjorie learns a lot about herself that she never wants to believe.
Bernice is a high class girl from a very wealthy family. The only thing is nobody wants to hang out with her because she is boring and annoying to everyone. No one wants to dance with her at the dances or hang out with her afterwards. Marjorie decides to help Bernice be more popular with the others. Bernice really enjoys the fact that Marjorie’s lessons are paying off and she gains a lot of attention from the boys. Bernice learns that she is a beautiful girl and just needed to give herself a little break and act like a teenager.
Marjorie on the other hand is a very snobby girl. She loves the attention from the guys. Marjorie has no girlfriends, she believed girls to be stupid. Therefore she is always accompanied by the boys that adored her. Marjorie learns that she is not the only girl that can be adored, and does not like the fact at all. She retaliates and torments Bernice to make her feel better about herself and ends up paying the price herself.
Bernice and Marjorie are teenagers living two different types of lives. Marjorie is a very popular girl and Bernice is a very classy, boring type of girl. They both learn a lot about each other and learn how other people can alter judgment of a person and nobody will bother to find out who you really are as a person. Marjorie learns her lesson on thinking she is the best looking girl in town. Bernice learns she has a whole other person inside that she really would rather be. The girls experienced a good lesson in life and hopefully will learn to respect others as they would like to be treated.

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