Beyond Fancy Things...

Beyond Fancy Things...

 Solofoniary Mitantsoa Diamondra
24th January 2015

Essay about one topic from the book Walden Pond-Henry David Thoreau (1854)

“Beyond fancy things…”

Henry David Thoreau said, “Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts”. What is astonishing nowadays is that the main points human beings are interested, in are material things, which they think will improve their lives. The core values of humans beings have changed and misconceptions of values, or richness and poorness were born in the society, with both an external views and judgments. The society will define you with what you have, and it often looks like you do not take part of the world if you do not have money and fancy clothes. Personal thoughts fall out of the list of one person’s value and have been replaced with earthly wealth. Submerged by development and the pursuit of conformity, human beings take as archaic things all spiritual beliefs, and go straight to their future without considering the true meaning of their life. Yet, our thoughts and beliefs are more important than material possessions.

Sometimes we do not realize that our thoughts define who we are. It means that if you have your own thoughts; you exist because that differentiates you from others. From your thoughts comes your personality which makes you unique. Sometimes, people think that if they are on the way and wear the most expensive clothes, they are unique. However, it goes on the contrary way, you can be different by your clothing and your appearance but only your thoughts make you unique. Even the famous singer Lady Gaga said, “For being different it is easy. But to be unique, it is a complicated thing” (showbiz, thoughts). Next, if you have your thoughts, you are unique and if you are unique you do exist as the great philosopher Réné Descartes said, “I think, therefore I am” (discourse on the method.1637). Furthermore, your thoughts put you in a certain place or position in the society. Whenever you express your...

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