


1. What is every living organism made of?
2. What is a cell?
The lowest level of structures capable of performing all the activities in life
3. Where do cells arise from?
From preexisting cells
4. What does a cell membrane serve as?
Eternal barriers and encloses organelles
5. What does a cell membrane consist of?
Phospholipids molecules with polar phosphate groups as its hydrophilic head and two nonpolar fatty acid chains as hydrophobic
6. What do these molecule form?
A fluid phospholipids bilayer, with hydrophobic tails facing in
7. What does semipermeable mean
Allowing passages of gas, lipid, an small polar molecules
8. What can’t pass through a semipermeable cell membrane?
Not charged molecules (ions and proteins) or large polar molecules
9. What is a membrane protein?
Embedded in the bilayer that transport molecules unable to cross the membrane independently
10. What do membrane proteins assist in?
Biologically important reactions
11. What do they interact with?
With membrane of neighboring cells
12. What does cytoplasm include?
Cytolsol and all organelles inside the plasma membranes of neighboring cells
13. What is cytosol?
Semifluid medium
14. What is cytoplasm?
A Cytoplasm is the part of a cell that is enclosed within the plasma membrane
15. What is cytoskeleton?
A system of protein filaments in the cytoplasm
16. What do microtubules and microfilaments give the cell?
Gives the cell shape and helps direct movement
17. What is a Ribosome?
Protein that helps to synthesize polypeptides
18. What is a steroid?
Lipid with 4 ring carbon skeleton
19. What is cholesterol?
A steroid that acts as a precursor to many animal hormones
20. What does cholesterol stabilize?
The lipid bilayer of animal cell
21. What does it prevent?
Solidification at low temperature and fluidity at high temperature
22. What is eukaryote?
Multicellular plant...

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