Bob Marelty

Bob Marelty

Cole Carter

Mrs. Sammataro

English 2 CP

4 January 2012

Compassion Narrative

“Oh my God, I should annoy that stupid know-it-all Cole today.”

That was the first thing that crossed my mind on that cold and windy Saturday morning. The only problem is what to do. I, Jake Carter have an entire arsenal of strategic plans to annoy my brother, but which shall I choose? The answer was soon given to me; as soon as I saw Cole sleeping on the couch, it hit me. Both literally and mentally, my dog Zoë was running around the corner and knocked me off my balance.

My only problem now was figuring out when to execute my evil and heinous plan. I could either do it now when he’s only a few minutes into his sleep or I could be somewhat sympathetic and let him have a couple hours of sleep.

“Nah!” I said. Being my aggrevting self, I chose to do it now. This way he only gets about ten minutes of sleep.

It was time. I tip-toed my way across the house to get Zoë’s favorite treat, the meatalicous, meat packed snack. Once I grabbed my dog’s grub, I could see her eyes light up, and it was then, I knew I had made the right choice. I again tip-toed back to the living room and gently placed the treat on his right cheek. Next, Zoë jumped on the couch, jumped onto Cole and I knew my plan was being conducted to the fullest. Then, she went to crazy on the treat and also his face. She looked like a tornado ferociously tearing through a town straight out of the big bad wolf. Cole woke up, he was livid, and I booked it across the house. While locking myself in a room, I laughed, and felt proudly.

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