

Judicial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of the Supreme Court and local courts established in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Constitutional Law.
To local courts refer:
region and equal level courts (city court of the capital of the republic, city courts of republican level cities, specialized court – Military court of the Republic of Kazakhstan and others);
district and equal level courts (city, inter district, specialized court - military court of garrison and others).
In the Republic of Kazakhstan there can be created specialized courts (military, economic, administrative, juvenile and others).
Specialized courts (military, financial, economic, administrative, juvenile and others) can be set up in the Republic of Kazakhstan.  
The unity of legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan is provided by:
general and single principles of justice, established by the Constitution and the Constitution law, procedural and other laws; 
implementation of legal power in single forms of  legal proceedings, established by the laws; 
applying of existing legislation of Kazakhstan by all courts;
legislative support of single status of judges; 
оbligatory fulfillment of legal acts on the territory of  the Republic of Kazakhstan; 
financing of all courts only from the Republican budget. 
The Supreme Court consists of the Chairman,chairmen of commissions and judges.
Total number of judges of the Supreme Court is established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on presentation of the Chairman of the Supreme Court.
The bodies of the Supreme Court are:
supervisory commission;
commission on civil cases;
commission on criminal cases;
plenary meeting of the court.
Under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan there was established the Committee on judicial administration, exercising functions of organization and technical maintenance of court activities. The Committee and its territory units...

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