

Chapter 3 System Designs Specifications
3.1 Introduction
Standout Fashion Hub Online Ordering will serve as a primitive and innovative way of promoting the online shopping industry in San Pablo City. This website takes advantage of the latest technologies and can take online shopping to a new level by enhancing conventional selling to modern selling.
Standout Fashion Hub Online Ordering has sixteen (15) main functions: (1) Login; (2) Inventory of Products; (3) Sales Report; (4) Add PayPal Push Cart Buttons; (5) Add PayPal Buy Now Buttons; (6) Manage User Accounts (7) Logout; (8) Register; (9) Forgot Password; (10) Edit Profile; (11) Search; (12) Customer Support; (13) Add To Cart ; (14) Contact Us; (15) Payment Method.
3.2 Use Case Diagram

Figure 3.2 Use Case Diagram
Figure 3.2 illustrates the use case diagram of developed Stand out Fashion Hub Online Ordering. As shown in the use case diagram, the developed system is composed of fifteen (15) use cases. The Login use case is where the admin is directed into a page where only the admin use and see. The admin is required to login into that page to browse or edit the website. And on the other hand for the customer/user login is used to determine and validate the access of the user in the system. The Inventory of Products use case is where the admin will be able to manage his items that re in stock. The Sales Report use case can only be monitored by the admin itself allowing him to view the income either weekly or monthly wise. Add PayPal Push Cart Button use case is where the admin can make or choose to create a push cart button for an item to help the customer order in a more easy fashion. The Add PayPal Buy Now Button use case is where the admin can choose to create another buy now button for one of his products. In the Manage User Accounts use case, the admin can use their account to make some changes like adding, updating and deleting item or accounts.
In the register use case, users that don't...

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