

 Know the three spinal meninges and their location.
Dura Mater- outer layer of epidural space and dural sinuses (fused around every area except dural venous sinuses)

Arachnoid Mater- middle layer (subarachnoid space- where blood exits the brain)

Pia Mater- Inner layer

 Where is CSF found (hint:  which space between connective tissue layers)
Subarachnoid Space

 Structure that supplies nerves to lower extremities.
Spinal Cords lumbar enlargement

 Structure containing only sensory axons.
Posterior Root

 Major structures of the brain and their functions.
Cerebrum- largest, conscious activity, reading, writing, speaking
Diencephelon- regulate body temp., eating, sleeping, learning, memory
Brainstem- breathing and heart rate
Cerebellum- motor movements

 Structure separates 2 halves of cerebellum
Flax Cerebelli

 Function of CSF
Mechanical protection- shock
chemical protection- signals
Circulation- bring in nutrients/rid of waste

 Where are the lateral ventricles located?
One in each hemisphere

 Where are the third ventricles located?
Midline between two halves of the thalmus
 What are choroid plexuses?
forms blood CSF barrier, CSF is produced in the choroid plexuses
 What is the function of the arachnoid villus?
allows CSF to be absorbed into venous blood of the sinus
 What is the function of the pons?
Connect cerebral cortex to cerebellum
bridge to other parts
helps regulate breathing

 What are pyramids?
large motor tracts

 Know the three spinal meninges and their location.
Dura Mater- outer layer of epidural space and dural sinuses (fused around every area except dural venous sinuses)

Arachnoid Mater- middle layer (subarachnoid space- where blood exits the brain)

Pia Mater- Inner layer

 Where is CSF found (hint:  which space between connective tissue layers)
Subarachnoid Space

 Structure that supplies nerves to lower extremities.
Spinal Cords lumbar enlargement...

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