

Bullies will do numerous things to make you cry or be hurt. The will hit, steal, call names, humiliate and so much more- just to make you feel bad. They hurt you not only outside, but inside too. They can damage your life, and make you feel like you wish you were dead. They can do things that you will remember for the rest of you life.
Bulling is something that almost everyone experiences; it’s a part of everyone’s life. Maybe right now or before or even later you have or will experience or see bulling. It’s in every school, work, and club. It might not seem as if it is bullying, but it is. Maybe it’s just a careless name-calling, with the person who said it meaning no hard feelings or was just joking, but the person that that name is directed at takes it as bulling.
When I was in elementary school, still in Poland, I saw bullying. There was a boy in my class that was just an atrocious one. He called everybody names, especially girls, and tripped many people. Once, he pushed one of my best friends, and when she was falling, she was heading straight for a metal trash can- face first. As she hit the trashcan, her two front teeth were chipped, and she now had a gap in her mouth. Thankfully, nothing else happened, but what did happen was senseless enough. Afterwards, he didn’t even say anything, not even a sorry, until the teacher made him.
This incident shows that this person is a bully in many different ways. First things first, if that was an accident and he would have said sorry afterwards, and at least really meant it, I don’t think it would be bullying. However, it was on purpose, the pushing, and he caused so much pain to my best friend. In addition, it caused her to have a gap in the front of her mouth, unless filled in, which causes other problems. So by just doing something he could laugh at, he caused twice or more pain to the victim. Secondly, it hurt my friend inside. She might have though that he hated her, for many reasons. It might have made...

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