Burrhus Frederic Skinner's Contributions in Psychology

Burrhus Frederic Skinner's Contributions in Psychology

B.F Skinner’s contributions to psychology yielded him awards such as human of the year (1972) and Citation for Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to Psychology (1990), these awards stemmed from many years of hard-dedicated work investigating the human mind and behaviors (2009, Van Wagner). B.F. Skinner began his career in psychology after finding the readings of Watson and Pavlov and through the findings of these readings; B.F. Skinner decided to discard his path as a writes (as he held a B.A. in English Literature) and embark on the path of psychology (2009, Van Wagner). Skinner became well known and respected for his research in operant conditioning and negative reinforcement because he developed the cumulativerecorder. The cumulative recorder shows the rates of responding as a sloped line and that behavior did not depend on a preceding stimulus, but rather the behavior’s dependant was what happens after the response; calling this operant behavior (2009, Van Wagner). While researching operant conditioning Skinner also discovered four types of reinforcement, Fixed-ratio schedules, Variable-ratio schedules , Fixed-interval schedules, and Variable-interval schedules. Fixed-ratio schedules is where the response is reinforced only after a specified number of response and produces a high steady rate of responding, while only having a momentary delivery of the reinforce (2009, Van Wagner). A variable-ratio schedule is the response is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses, thus creating a high level of response. Fixed-interval schedules is a schedule that produces high response rates towards the end of the intervals and much slower responses immediately after the reinforcer because the reward is given only after a certain amount of time has passed (2009, Van Wagner). Variable-interval schedules is when the response is rewarded after no certain amount of time, therefore producing slow, steady rates of response (2009, Van Wagner). Skinner’s...

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