Cair and Radical Islam

Cair and Radical Islam

C.A.I.R. And It’s Radical Ties

"Oftentimes people in the West oversimplify all the groups. Al-Qaida doesn't provide any social services. They just attack civilians. They're not into dialogue."
The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, also known as CAIR was established in 1994 and is headquarted in Washington, D.C. along with having 35 regional offices and chapters all across the United States and Canada. Its leaders Nihad Awad, Omar Ahmad, and Rafeeq Jaber, have tried to respectfully present their organization as simply another civil rights group fighting for the rights of Islams living in America. African Americans have a very well established group known as the NAACP and a spokesman for CAIR claims that, “We are similar to a Muslim NAACP.” They are here to promote an “interest and understanding among the general public with regards to Islam and Muslims in North America.” When you read anything on CAIR, the group is described as a "leading advocate for justice and understanding" that would include educating the public to gain a better understanding of Islam and to more imporantly, protect Muslim civil liberties. Their stated mission is to protect the freedom of religion, protect the civil rights of everyone and encourage “inter-faith dialogue.” This reputation has permitted CAIR, since its founding in 1994, to gain sizeable donations from many spectrums, personal invites to the White House, respectful media coverage, and a serious hearing by corporations.  However, CAIR is something quite different than what it lets the general public allowable to see. For starters, it is on the wrong side in the war on terrorism continuously defending those involved with acts of terrorism around the world. Secondly, CAIR even includes at least one member associated with terrorism within their own organization even though they claim to have no association with “radical Muslims” responsible for acts of terrorism making them contributors to acts of...

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