

There once was a women Named Margaret White, The soon to be mother of an accident child. She was peaceful until one day she felt a dreadful pain in her stomach, a pain she never felt before. Like someone was stabbing her in her stomach. But she never knew she was pregnant, it never showed that she was in fact it was the devils baby girl. When she was all done having her baby everything was bloody and she knew it was the devils baby. She Margaret could see it in her brown eyes. She tried to kill her with scissors but she couldn’t there was a force field around the baby. Margaret decided to name her Carrie; she was a beautiful little girl as she grew up. She was always picked on because she was different, she didn’t know why... She moved several times cause of bullies. She soon was in high school, 16 years old; her mother Margaret was very protective of her. Didn’t let her talk to other people outside of school, made her come inside unless she was getting the mail. She had it hard, trying to make friends. She wasn’t getting far in social life. One day in 3rd period she was in gym and after gym class was over she and her class mates had to take a shower. Carrie got undressed and got under the warm water and started washing herself, then when she was washing her vagina and she was all the sudden bleeding. Carrie wasn’t taught that she would start her period. She didn’t even know what a period was. All the girls were throwing tampons and pads at her, and chanting plug it up!!! One girl thought it was mean so she stopped and just stared at her. One other girl took a video of Carrie flipping out and uploaded it on YouTube. Carrie felt ruined inside like her life was gone. But it wasn’t, she was invited to prom because the girl who felt bad about what she did to Carrie. The girls name was Sue, and her boyfriend the guy that is taking Carrie to the prom is Tommy. Carrie was so happy! But only one thing was going to happen when Carrie told her mom… She would...

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