case study 25 Bandura

case study 25 Bandura

 Ebony Guerra

Case Study 25
(Albert Bandura)
Application Questions
1. Reciprocal determinism is the interaction between the environment, personal factors and behavior. Ex: Because Ruth is blind, she has determination to be as normal as possible. She refuses to let her blindness handicap her in any way, she does everything a seeing person can do.

2. Self-regulation operates on three principal sub functions, self-monitoring of one’s behavior, judgement of one’s behavior and affective self-reaction. Ex: Although Ruth was blind, she self-monitored her own behavior to make sure she looked as normal as a seeing person and learned as much as she could. Ruth became frustrated with her behavior once when she was unable to do something that seeing people could do easily do, she judged her behavior. Once Ruth started to feel sorry for herself and express her feelings, she noticed that she upset her mother, therefore she had a self-reaction and chose not to react this way again.

3. External factors involved in self-regulation are how you are looked upon in your environment or among your peers. Ex: Ruth learned to be independent and to do as much as possible because she didn’t want the sympathy or discrimination from others.

Theory Comparison Questions
1. Ruth’s fortuitous event was her contracting meningitis and losing her vision at a young age, it was an unexpected event that left a huge impact on her life. Bandura explains fortuitous events as an environmental experience that is unexpected and unintended.

2. Ruth always strived for success and was determined to do everything that a seeing person could do to relieve her feelings of inferiority. Bandura believes your behavior is a product of reciprocal determinism rather than Adler’s theory of striving for success to alleviate the feelings of inferiority.

3. Although Ruth was blind at a young age, she seems to have successfully completed all of Erikson’s stages of development. She...

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