Case Study Analysis

Case Study Analysis

Case Study 3- Chapter 11
BUSI 645 – Strategic Compensation Management
Professor Brooke Quigg
Karla De Jesus
Liberty University
February 28, 2016


The aim of this paper is to review the implications of the decisions that JSH firm must make when offering part-time positions within their CPA firm. Analysis of their current benefits structure and how they compare within the industry has been completed in order to offer suggestions for benefit offerings. Given the market, it has been suggested that JSH still offer their full benefits package to their part-time employees. However, there are other alternatives addressed within these suggestions that can help with offsetting the higher costs that are associated with proving health benefits for part-time employees.
Keywords: Part-time employees, benefits, health benefits, 401k

Considerations for Offering Benefits
The JSH CPA firm certainly has several things to consider when deciding to set up a proper employee benefits program. While the firm is taking the proper steps to understand the market and what benefits are legally required, they must also consider the implications of this within their current firm, whether they can afford to be competitive, and what alternatives are available to them.
There are several implications that keeping benefits for part time employees will have on the JSH firm. Currently, they are not considered a large firm – at less than 100 employees, and this should be considered, especially when attempting to compare themselves with the other firms in the industry. While the quest should be to remain competitive, they need to also consider the effect that offering benefits to their part-time employees will mean for their overall employee morale. Reddick (2009) research shows “having more part-time workers who are eligible for benefits leads to...

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