Case Study: Jennifer

Case Study: Jennifer

Jennifer is a 29-year-old married female. Jennifer and her husband Antonio have been married for a little more than a year. Jennifer has several points of stress in her life; eight months ago Jennifer had a miscarriage, and her in-laws often bring up the topic of having another baby. Jennifer lost her mother two years ago and is now facing health issues with her father and his deteriorating health. Jennifer has on average a 2 hour round trip commute to work where she is an administrative assistant. This position requires her to be responsible for everyone else, her job requires her to keep them organized and on task, she is good at her job and prides herself on never letting people down. The daily hassles, household hassles, inner concern hassles and time pressure hassles, are affecting Jennifer’s health. They are causing her to have headaches, backaches, and indigestion.
At first glance Jennifer seems to be very well put together. However, the effects of all the life stressors are impacting her as a person. She is feeling less adequate as a human being. Jennifer expressed that she was making more mistakes at work. She also expressed that she is unable to keep up with housework and she is feeling tired and overwhelmed. Jennifer has high self-efficacy expectations she has endured her mother’s death and losing a baby all within two years. I believe that the stressors are affecting her self-concept. The changes in her self-concept are causing Jennifer to question her effectiveness as a wife, employee, daughter, and potential mother. She is questioning herself as a wife due to her lack of focus on the daily household tasks. Her mistakes at work are causing her to second guess her ability to run a tight ship. The loss of her mother and now having to deal with her father’s emending passing has her questioning her ability to be a good daughter. The loss of a child born or not born causes a woman to question if they will be able to be a good...

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