Catcher in the Rye

Catcher in the Rye

English homework chapter 12-15

Symbol | Metaphor | Motif | Evidence | Possible meaning |
Hunting hat | | | «Sleep Tight, ya morons! I’ll bet I woke up every bastard on the whole floor.”“I put it on, and turned it the old peak around the back, the wa I liked it, and then I went over and took a look at my stupid face in the mirror.” | Holden wears the hat in important moments. Like when he is writing about Allie, when he look at himself in the mirror after he got punched y Stradlater and when he yells in the corridor. He takes it of when he’s in public, as if he is imberrased to wear it. The hat becomes an importan part in how Holden sees himself: a bit corny, but that’s the way he likes it. |
N Baseball glove | | | | Holden loved Allie because he was so young and was a child. (Also, he died of Leukemia)Holden is very fond of children because they are still pure. Holden is especially interested in children because at this point they are still pure and moldable and he wishes they could be the kind of person he wishes to be. Not phony. The mitt represents Allie. Holden wrote Stradlater's essay on the glove and then tore the essay up when Stradlater did not appreciate the gesture. By writing about Allie's glove, the reader sees Holden's sensitive side. At this point in the novel (Ch. 5), Holden's memories of Allie are the only things he enjoys and we realize that his brother's death has had a major impact on Holden's life. The baseball glove represents: The cather in te rye, wich is the title of the nove. His brothe IS the cather. |
| «Cather in the rye» | | "When a body meet a body, comin' thro' the rye" for "When a body catch a body, comin' thro' the rye."| | Holden imagines children playing a game in a field of rye near a cliff, and it is his role to protect the children by catching anyone who comes too near to the edge. The cather is supposed to be is dead brother, Allie. |
| Pond of ducks | | “I didn't want to start an argument. "Okay," I...

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