Cause and Effect Unhealty Eating

Cause and Effect Unhealty Eating

Unhealthy Eating
We hate to think about death and its different causes. Unhealthy eating habits could lead to death are health complications. Even though we are aware that certain food and drinks that we consume, or not good for us we still consume them. We have accepted and we continue to eat unhealthy. Sometimes consuming to much food could lead to health complications.
One major factor of over eating is obesity. There are thousands of people that die every year in the United States due to obesity. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010) obesity is having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater. A person body weight can be determined by their weight and height. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010) obesity is a major factor of type 2 diabetes, some cancers and cardiovascular disease. There has been a dramatic increase in obesity due to unhealthy eating and not enough exercise.
I believe a sedentary lifestyle is a major factor of the increase of obesity in the United States. Americans have come accustom to sitting in front of a computer or a game system to play sports, instead of going outside to do it physically. Televisions also play a big role in obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Americans spend hours on top of hours just sitting around watching television with no physical activities, which means you are not burning any calories. Another down side with obesity and television is that there of commercials of various fast food restaurants that offer a variety of foods that are very unhealthy.
Another factor of unhealthy eating is not eating enough. When you do not eat enough food you can develop a disease called Anorexia. According to Anorexia is loss of appetite and inability to eat. Being laughed at about your weight can lead to anorexia and self esteem problems.
Anorexia is most likely to occur during early teen years. Anorexia is a very serious...

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