

Cause and Effect: different parts of speech:
Conjunction, preposition, verb, adverb, noun

1 People become tense, anxious and sleepless. People are stressed at work.
Join the sentences using the following words:
When, because, because of, as a result, as a result of, so, therefore, result in, cause, lead to, result (noun), cause (noun).
1 When people are stressed at work, they become tense, anxious and sleepless.
2 People become tense, anxious and sleepless because they are stressed at work.
3 Because people are stressed at work, they become tense, anxious and sleepless.
4 People are stressed at work. As a result, they become tense...
5 People become tense, anxious and sleepless as a result of stress at work/ work stress preposition + noun group.
6 People are stressed at work so they become tense...
7 People are stressed at work. Therefore, they become tense...
8 Stress at work/ Being stressed at work/ Work stress results in tension, anxiety and sleeplessness. Vn
results in people/workers becoming tense, anxious and sleepless. Vn + -ing
9 Work stress causes tension, anxiety and sleeplessness. Vn
causes people/workers to become tense, anxious and sleepless. Vn + to infinitive
10 Work stress leads to tension, anxiety and sleeplessness. Vn
leads to people/ workers becoming tense, anxious and sleepless. Vn + - ing
11 A/The /One result of work stress is tension, anxiety and sleeplessness
is (that) people/workers become tense, anxious and sleepless.
*****One result of work stress is tense, anxious and sleepless.
12 A / The / One cause of work stress is = the same as 11.

I don’t want to be ill. I don’t want to have an illness.

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