Causes of Stress in Jennifer's Life

Causes of Stress in Jennifer's Life

• The causes of stress from Jennifer’s life are from many stressful things. First of all, Jennifer has to drive an hour to work each day because she lives where her husband Antonio works. Trying to start a family is also a cause of stress for Jennifer, she was expecting but in her second month of pregnancy she miscarried. Jennifer is also being pressured to start a family by Antonio’s parents in hopes that she will focus more on the baby. More stress is from the passing of Jennifer’s mother and her father is also in bad health. She is also thinking the possibility of placing her father in a nursing care facility against his wishes. Everyone depends on Jennifer and she is always organized and that is causing a lot of stress because she doesn’t want to let anyone down. Stress is affecting Jennifer’s health because she has saw her physician numerous of times in just a six month time frame and she’s unable to do things like housework because she is feeling overwhelmed.
• These stressors are affecting Jennifer’s self-concept and self-esteem because it’s causing Jennifer to question herself on whether she’s an effective employee, good friend, good wife, good daughter, and good potential mother. Jennifer wants to please everybody but it stresses her out at the end of the day. Jennifer is a great employee because she is very organized but all the stress makes her question that. Jennifer is also a great friend and potential mom but she just has too much to take on as one person doing things by herself. Jennifer should just slow down and take it easy for a while. Jennifer’s self-concept is showing that she’s starting to be very self-conscious because of all the stress that is taking over her. Her self-esteem is deteriorating because she doesn’t think she is good enough for her husband or friends and family. The stress is making her feel like a completely different person, especially with all the overwhelmed pain she is feeling.

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