

By way of introduction I would like to mention, that nowadays television is a great part of our life and we get a lot of information while watching it. Undoubtedly, there are many ways of using it in a proper and effective way and, moreover, there are educative channels but, the information which we can acquire is not always safe, especially for children.
Admittedly, there is much violence, cruelty and sex on TV. Most people accept those scenes of violence and sex are sometimes necessary to tell a story, but many young spectators are not ready, first of all in the psychological way, to watch them. Day after day we can switch on the TV-set and witness all the rubbish and mess of our cruel world. What is more, watching different stupid movies and shows, children may think that it is a normal modern practice that you commit a crime and would not be punished. In some films murderers can fly away and never be caught. Moreover, many bank robbers live those happy lives of theirs after robbing a big sum of money.
Wars and other armed conflicts are one of the things that seem to happen every day and they seem to be normal either. It also seems very easy to be shot and survive. The value of a person’s life becomes less and less difficult to kill a person. It may make people want to become criminals. Unfortunately, television creates the very false image of the world and of the people. Personally I think that we must protect our children from all the sleaze and it is up to us to decide who has the right to rule the censorship at our television in particular and in our country in general. We have gone too far in the direction of 'freedom", but in order to save our future generations, we are responsible to do the action. But, I would like to add, that it is very important to do the censors’ work imperceptibly, because when a programme is marked as “X”-rated of banned it becomes something like a challenge for a child to watch it at any price.
To sum it all up, we have to...

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