

From this writing class, I came to know the pattern of an organized and a good essay. Before taking this class, I had several problems with organization of essay. My essay did not follow a professional pattern of essay writing. My essays were like free writing, because whatever I had in my mind, I wrote. Eventhough I had great ideas and facts that I want to write about, but somewhere during my writing process I started mixing them up; therefore my paper was not interesting and effective to reader. My essay did not follow the outline which I made. Before joining this class, I did not know about thesis statement. From this class, I have learned more about writing process, thesis statement, paragraph structure, mode structure and more about mechanics to make a effective and strong essay.
After joining this class, I learned about the writing process of a good essay. Writing process is numerous techniques to make an essay. It contains four distinct steps: prewriting,drafting, revising, and editing. Before writing a draft of my paper, I do prewriting. For example in my essay “Autobiography”, pages 1 through 3, and in my essay about Mongolian and American culture, the pages 1 and 2 show my prewriting: clustering, listing and brainstorming. When I finish my prewriting for those essays, I start drafting. The pages 5 and 6 of essay “Autobiography”, and 8 and 9 of “Mongolian and American Culture”, show first and second drafts of those essays. After first and second drafts, I always got comments from my teacher. The pages 10,11, 46, and 55 show the comments that I got. Each time I write a draft I was more knowledgeable than I was previously. The last step was revising and editing an essay. At this stage, I also refined my prose, making each sentence as concise and accurate as possible. I made connections between ideas explicit and clear. The pages 23,34,34 and 52 show corrections on those errors. After all those steps, I gave my final copy. The...

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