

Competitive advantage… do we create?? Which is it? Is it good? Is it going to be a competitive advantage in the future? Can others do it? Marketing mix (existing , future or both) Growth strategy (ansoff) Market development….. Advantages and disadvantage. Risk involved… isit working…? Market penetration (from PowerPoint slides week 2 slide 40) Generic strategy (porter) Marketing strategy… Customer loyalty and retention Not to lose a customer… how to build a loyal customer!! How to determine if a growth strategy??? Is it a good fit in the environment??? We can use 5 forces Market development (new market) Industry life cycle ILC / product life cycle (from PowerPoint slides week 2 slide 42) Penetration Segmentation/ targeting / positing ansoff said if we want to grow … we need 4 things (pp slides week 1 slide 55 -58) (large cooperation they do all 4 things) How well is a strategy (PP week 2 slide 5) How fast they are growing Competitive strength assessment (PP week 2 slide 45) Competitive Mkt strategies 5 forces (PP week 3 slide 8) (PP week 4 slides 2-5…. Present and future) Attractiveness … how to use it in a strategic development If attractive we do the numbers 1, 2, 3 (from the 6th point I wrote) If not attractive we do number 4 which is get out of business (PP week 3 slides 4-9) Identify strength of each force How to define if the buyers are strong?? Suppliers are strong if they are few… Attractive……….. drivers of change…………. FUTURE??? WE WRITE ABOUT THE FUTURE TOO NOT ONLY TODAY (PP week3 slides 9-16) Partnership … you can’t survive on your own Strategic alliances …….. valuechain ( distributers, suppliers, competitors) (PP week 3 slide 27) driving forces (PP week 3 slides 27) MAPS perceptual /positing (PP week 4 slides 55) Where are we now and where we will be in the future? KSF (key success factor) (PP week 3 slides 34) Should we diversify …....