

Cinderella’s Beauty In the African and Native tale of Cinderella the beauty of young maiden is not that of which first comes to mind in modern society. Her beauty is that of deeper meaning. In the modern world of today beauty is expressed as a very attractive or seductive looking person. However, beauty is defined by Webster as “the quality or combining of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit.” I am going to enlighten you on the beauty in which the prince of the two stories fell in love with. In the tale “The maiden, The frog, and The Chief’s son the young girl left behind by her dying mother. Be it that by the culture of which this story is told the girl had no real clothes that could described in this telling of the tale to be called rags she was still left unprivileged. She was not described as the other as being small footed with modeling looks. Something about her however still caught the royal’s eyes. At first read one would proclaim it was the bangles that the frog vomited her up with that was pleasing to his eyes. But in that same since there had to be more. The prince had not fallen for the outer beauty of the girl, for he did not physically see the difference when she was switched with her step sister. It was her beauty being the kindness and tender nature are the qualities which differentiates herself from the harsh contrasting nature of her stepsisters. This same moral was later express in the native American culture in their version. When you see the picture of natives today you see Pocahontas images. But in the native tell of Cinderella that image was not visible. She was named the rough face girl from her evil step sister burning her with cinder. In her story it was not the prince that seen pass her outer beauty. The sister of the invisible boy saw her inner beauty and treated her like rest with the same questioning. It was rough face’s gently being that allowed her to truly...

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