

After all of these weeks of attending this class, I have learned a few things from it. My drawing skills have improved. It has been awhile since I have picked up a pencil. So, this class has helped me get back into drawing. From day one, I have learned to become more patient. The class is 6 hours long. I did not think I would make it through one class session. Weeks later, 6 hours goes by pretty quick. My teacher, Professor Chou, has taught me how to use a HB and 2H pencil. In my previous drawing classes, my teachers strongly advised not to use the pencils because they will leave scratches on your paper. So, I was scared to use them. Now, I love using the pencils since I am a heavy-handed drawer. So, it is harder for me to draw light using a 2B pencil. My shading skills have improved over the weeks. I swore a kindergartner could have done the same first assignment better than me because my assignment looked pretty bad. Over the weeks, I have seen the improvement. I love the fact we get to draw from life in this class. My drawings have better proportion and details now since I get to practice with life not from photographs. I know that from this week and on, my drawing skills will greatly improve. Even though this class is just a beginning class, it is allowing me to take a step back and make improvements in how I handle my drawing materials and what steps I take to completing my drawings.

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