Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Mission Statement:
"Our ability to grow, innovate and deliver superb service, combined with our tested, highly successful business model, positions us to perform well in a wide range of economic scenarios. We're looking forward to our future — the best is yet to come in which you could be a part of it.”
Positive Work Environment
* Team Work:
By trusting your teams and acknowledging that we are all capable and able to do the job that we were hired for without any doubt, while demonstrating honesty all the time, openness and accountability across the organization from the top level, your leaders will encourage engagement and buy-in to organizational goals together and as one.
* Communication
Not only is trust important, but ensuring lines of communication are wide open upwards, downwards and across the company is our goals both input and ideas, this will help to shape progress and change in the work area and keeping up with our organizational needs. It's not just for change either - successes, challenges, individual employee news, it all counts towards a mutual team spirit, and character building in the company. With this If the workforce is united as a team, it will work as a team and achieve as a team.
* Appreciation
Everybody is very much appreciated, particularly when we have worked hard on something, or achieved the highest success. A simple word to show appreciation or congratulation is all it takes to make everyone feel worthwhile. If individuals such as Managers, Supervisors and team members feel that their work is appreciated, they will naturally be happy to continue to put in the same level of effort again and strive to repeat the success.
* Approachable:
Everyone in the company is approachable and should be able to talk about their problems, concerns, ideas, issues, and ect, without any doubt that it would back fire on the employee. In the company we have an Open Door Police and which you are open to talk freely with higher...

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