

Source file SC.ENT.ACCOUNTING compiled successfully
Java Standards was not checked! Code 3 was returned.Ensure your T24 java environment is configured correctly.Warning - found 'CALL DBR' 5 times2884Multiple DBR's for the same record should be replaced with F.READFailure to comply with Standards. File variables mustbe F., record variables R., do not break call overmultiple lines. CALL F.READ('F.APPL.GEN.CONDITION', APPL.GEN.CONDITION.ID, APPL.GEN.CONDITION.REC, F.APPL.GEN.CONDITION, "") 5 times819Failure
to comply with Standards. File variables mustbe F., record variables R., do not
break call overmultiple lines. CALL OPF(FN.MF.FUND.MASTER,FV.MF.FUND.MASTER)4552290905715140001230000-600-3136019260192

Source file SC.ENT.ACCOUNTING compiled successfully
Java Standards was not checked! Code 3 was returned.Ensure your T24 java environment is configured correctly.Warning - found 'CALL DBR' 5 times2884Multiple DBR's for the same record should be replaced with F.READFailure to comply with Standards. File variables mustbe F., record variables R., do not break call overmultiple lines. CALL F.READ('F.APPL.GEN.CONDITION', APPL.GEN.CONDITION.ID, APPL.GEN.CONDITION.REC, F.APPL.GEN.CONDITION, "") 5 times819Failure
to comply with Standards. File variables mustbe F., record variables R., do not
break call overmultiple lines. CALL OPF(FN.MF.FUND.MASTER,FV.MF.FUND.MASTER)4552290905715140001230000-600-3136019260192

Source file SC.ENT.ACCOUNTING compiled successfully
Java Standards was not checked! Code 3 was returned.Ensure your T24 java environment is configured correctly.Warning - found 'CALL DBR' 5 times2884Multiple DBR's for the same record should be replaced with F.READFailure to comply with Standards. File variables mustbe F., record variables R., do not break call overmultiple lines. CALL F.READ('F.APPL.GEN.CONDITION', APPL.GEN.CONDITION.ID, APPL.GEN.CONDITION.REC, F.APPL.GEN.CONDITION, "") 5 times819Failure
to comply with Standards. File variables mustbe...

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